You can not only fall in love with cute, beautiful paintings by contemporary St. Petersburg artists, but also purchase them. Each picture has its own good story, you want to look at each one, because it brings you back to childhood and gives you a smile.

The exhibition exposition is located in the Repinskaya Hotel in the picturesque Kurortny district (Saint-Peterburg). Drink the aroma of a cup of coffee and treat yourself to a signature strudel, enjoy a pleasant, kind painting, take a walk along the Gulf of Finland — and what else do you need for the soul, for the family, for yourself? The Morenado restaurant offers its signature hot dishes after walking in the cold.

The exhibition “Simply Magic” presents 3 magical paintings by Irene Postolnaya, painted in oil on canvas: “Make a Wish”, “Before Christmas”, “For whom — saucepans, and to others — cherries”.

Gives away the best bottle of champagne for a review or review of an exhibition.


When: December 9, 2023 — January 13, 2024

Where: Repinskaya Hotel, Morenado restaurant

Free exit

Painting by Irene Postolnaya “For whom - saucepans, and for others - cherries” at the exhibition in St. Petersburg “Simply Magic”, December 2023-January 2024


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