Продажа картин Ирэн Постольной. Irene Postolnaya — paintings by the artist — to buy painting

Original painting by Irene Postolnaya for sale

You can buy a painting with home delivery. The artwork will decorate the interior of a house, apartment, office, cafe, restaurant, hotel or aircraft cabin or yacht. The painting can be purchased as a gift, and we will deliver it to the specified address at the right time. 

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Red Roses

painting, watercolor, paper,  

40×50 sm, 2022

Artist: Irene Postolnaya

Price: 15000 rubles

Delivery-International Post


painting, canvas, oil,  50×40 sm, 2022

Artist: Irene Postolnaya

Price: 24000 rubles

Delivery-International Post

Energy: 2 hp

painting, canvas, oil,  50×70 sm, 2022

Artist: Irene Postolnaya

Price: 65000 rubles

Delivery-International Post

At dawn. Tenderness.

painting, oil, canvas,  40×50 sm, 2022

Artist: Irene Postolnaya

Price: 30000 rubles

Delivery-International Post  

Mystery of the dawn dew

painting, canvas, oil,  40×50 sm, 2023

Artist: Irene Postolnaya  

Price: 22000 rubles

Delivery-International Post

Before Christmas

painting, canvas, oil,  30×40 sm, 2022

Artist: Irene Postolnaya  

Price: 25000 rubles

Delivery-International Post


painting, watercolor, paper,

30×40 sm, 2022

Artist: Irene Postolnaya  

Price: 22000 rubles

Delivery-International Post

Poppy Field

painting, canvas, oil,  60×40 sm, 2022

Artist: Irene Postolnaya  

Price: 30000 rubles

Delivery-International Post

St. Petersburg, t. +7 9672837320, Original paintings for sale

Shipping worldwide by international delivery services

Terms of payment for delivery of paintings